Friday, May 18, 2007

Software Product: Distributed Work Gaming

Whoever figures out how to capitalize work disguised as gaming will be a billionaire. If you look at the game hours spent on conventional MMORPGs, particularly World of Warcraft and Second Life, it is rather disgusting how many hours are wasted on such a type of entertainment. It would be great if there was some design implementation that would create such a draw, but at the same to produce a viable commodity.

One idea - Since most games require top-of-the-line computers to run properly, there is a large processing potential for other work. Due to the fact that though a particular game may require high processing power, usually it is in short spurts which leaves much untapped processing power available for other purposes. Much like the Seti@Home or Protein Folding projects, such distributed computing could be utilized for commercial interests.

Or there could be a complete redesign of the product model, actually paying or offering for free a game that included real work such as design or small form of management.

Free free to add/comment.

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